Friday, August 21, 2020

Generic Medications to Treat Your ADHD at Lower Cost

Generic Medications to Treat Your ADHD at Lower Cost ADHD Treatment Print Generic Medications Used to Treat ADHD By Michael Bihari, MD Michael Bihari, MD, is a board-certified pediatrician, health educator, and medical writer, and president emeritus of the Community Health Center of Cape Cod. Learn about our editorial policy Michael Bihari, MD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Richard Fogoros, MD on July 03, 2015 Richard N. Fogoros, MD, is a retired professor of medicine and board-certified internal medicine physician and cardiologist. He is Verywells Senior Medical Advisor. Learn about our Medical Review Board Richard Fogoros, MD Updated on December 05, 2019 ADHD Overview Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Living With In Children Generics can save you money.  EHStock/Getty Images Most commonly, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  (ADHD) is diagnosed in children and this condition often persists through adolescence and later adulthood. The medications that are most commonly prescribed to treat ADHD are  stimulants, though non-stimulants are available as well.?? While many are brand-name drugs, lower-cost generic alternatives may be more affordableâ€"if theyre not already required by your insurance provider. Common Medications Children with ADHD fall into three categories: primarily hyperactive-impulsive, primarily inattentive, or a  combination of the two. Although some people with  ADHD  outgrow the disease, its estimated that as many as 80 percent of people carry the condition through adulthood. Adults with ADHD are by and large not hyperactive and instead inattentive.?? The majority of the  medications for ADHD can be purchased as generics and that  name is in parenthesis. Medications are a big part of treatment for both adults and children. The stimulants your doctor may prescribe include:?? Adderall and Adderall XR (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine)Concerta (methylphenidate)Daytrana (methylphenidate)Desoxyn (methamphetamine)Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine)Focalin and Focalin XR (dexmethylphenidate)Metadate CD and Metadate ER (methylphenidate)Methylin and Methylin ER (methylphenidate)Ritalin, Ritalin LA and Ritalin SR (methylphenidate)Quillivant XR (methylphenidate)Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) The following nonstimulant medications may also be prescribed for ADHD treatment when an individual does not respond well to stimulants: Intuniv (guanfacine)Kapvay (clonidine)Strattera (atomoxetine) Of note, the XR, ER, and LR designations indicate extended-release preparations. Furthermore, Ritalin SR is a controlled release form of Ritalin. Cost Differences Brand-name drugs are expensive. Generic medications are low-cost alternatives that, for most people,  work just as well as brand-name drugs.?? For example, a report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality  compares a 10 mg tablet of Adderall with the generic equivalent at a cost difference of $113 per month to $45 per month.   Of course, these costs can vary over time and be dependent on your pharmacy and insurance coverage. This single comparison does not reflect the potential savings for every generic medication, either. In many instances, though, switching to such generic medications can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars on ADHD treatment each year. As compared with generic equivalents, it can cost several times more to purchase extended-release preparations. Although it may be more convenient to take extended-release versions because fewer doses are needed, you may be able to save lots of money by switching to shorter-acting alternatives. Effectiveness Some people are concerned about the effectiveness of generic medications versus brand-name options. Each generic medication goes through the same level of scrutiny and approval process by the U.S. Food Drug Administration (FDA).?? The FDA states that a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version. In order to be approved for use, it has to have the same safety, strength, quality, performance, and intended use. However, just as switching from any medication to another, some people will not have the same reaction to a generic drug as they would to the brand-name equivalent (and vice versa). Whenever you and your doctor decide to change to a different medication, its important that you monitor yourself or your child for any changes. When you change a medication, bring up anything you noticeâ€"including side effectsâ€"to your doctor so he can make adjustments as needed. This may include a dosage change or trying a different medication until you find the right one for you. ADHD is a very individual condition and requires individualized treatments. Payment Support If youre having trouble paying for ADHD medications, inform the prescribing physician and ask about generic alternatives. The physician can offer you options and alternatives that may lower the cost of ADHD medications. For example, many large pharmacy retailers offer a value formulary which can be prescribed for less cost. Moreover, patient assistance programs are also available in many communities and can subsidize the cost of treatment. A Caution About Stimulants The use of stimulants to treat adults with ADHD is less well understood. Despite accounts of stimulants working in adults, concerns about the efficacy and safety of stimulant use in this population cloud the picture. Specifically, some research suggests that adults with ADHD who take stimulants are at increased risk for palpitations,  anxiety, and increases in blood pressure.?? A Word From Verywell Treating ADHD with medications often requires patience and open conversations with your doctor. If you have concerns over the cost of medications, bring these up during your appointments, along with any questions you have about side effects. By working together, you can find a treatment that will help.

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